Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mother Earth Meets Baby

When it comes to babies, eco-friendly is not the first thing that comes to mind. I have found it difficult to manage the waste produced by Gracie. Disposable seems to be it when “it” comes to baby and toddler items. While disposability is wonderful for convenience, it is not so wonderful for our earth. With an increased availability of eco-friendly products, there are ways to manage the waste and keep the convenience of disposable products.
Seventh Generation makes eco-friendly (chlorine free and biodegradable) baby wipes that are still just as effective as other brands. We have used these and did not see any difference versus other non eco-friendly brands.

Seventh Generation Baby Wipes via

There are also more eco-friendly diapers that are chlorine free and more biodegradable than the leading disposable diapers (the research states varying findings but the most common seems to be around 500 years.) These eco-friendly diapers will help reduce that time. When purchased from Amazon, they also come in recyclable packaging free of any plastic.
Nature Babycare Eco-Friendly Diapers via

We frequent our local restaurants more than I would like to admit and I have seen these types of place mats often and always thought they were a great idea. Gracie loves to eat off the table and you never know what is on the table at a restaurant. My hesitation in purchasing these was the waste, and that this is yet another item that would end up in the garbage after 1 use. Neat Solutions makes a biodegradable placemat that we can now use without the guilt. 
Neat Solutions Biodegradable Table Topper Disposable Stick-on Placemat  via

There are also eco-friendly toys and books that are great. We received a Natural Baby book as a gift and have since purchased more. Gracie loves these books. They have great pictures of very recognizable items that Grace loves to point at and say. These eco-friendly books happen to be made from recycled paper and planet friendly inks.

Natural Baby Splash, Play, and Eat  via

Happy Earth Day!

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