Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Baby Bug

The other night, I somewhat jokingly brought up the idea of growing our family to my husband and received the response, “OMG, help me!” Not exactly what I was expecting, but at least he is honest (and funny).  While I know that neither of us is ready for another little one quite yet, I think the baby bug is biting me again. Gracie is getting so big and I am so looking forward to her having a sibling. When we decided to start a family, I most definitely caught the baby bug from my good friend that had recently announced her pregnancy. Paul (my husband), took a few months to come around to the idea. He was nearing the completion of his doctorate in physical therapy and could not see anything beyond graduation at the time. Once he got the bug too, it was not long before Gracie was on the way!

As I dream about our future family I have found a few items that will be on my wish list.
I love the idea of these stylish hospital gowns! I had no idea they made anything like this when I had Gracie, but I will definitely be purchasing this for the next one. What a fun way to express your style while in the hospital, and a great way to enhance those first pictures.

Gownies - Ella via

While I am not normally a huge fan of animal prints on baby, I just cannot resist the cow print. My husband drew the line on the cow print car seat. Perhaps it is the new found respect I have for dairy cows after nursing for a year. Target has these great onesies, including the cow print.
Jelly Belly Infant Girls Bodysuit Set - Bean Safari via

This book is a must have for any new parent. It is so sweet, and is such a wonderful way to spend time with your little one. Reading is so important for our children, and it is never too early to start (but that is a topic for another time). This one is definitely a tear jerker, but well worth it!
On the Night You Were Born by Nancy Tillman via

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mother Earth Meets Baby

When it comes to babies, eco-friendly is not the first thing that comes to mind. I have found it difficult to manage the waste produced by Gracie. Disposable seems to be it when “it” comes to baby and toddler items. While disposability is wonderful for convenience, it is not so wonderful for our earth. With an increased availability of eco-friendly products, there are ways to manage the waste and keep the convenience of disposable products.
Seventh Generation makes eco-friendly (chlorine free and biodegradable) baby wipes that are still just as effective as other brands. We have used these and did not see any difference versus other non eco-friendly brands.

Seventh Generation Baby Wipes via

There are also more eco-friendly diapers that are chlorine free and more biodegradable than the leading disposable diapers (the research states varying findings but the most common seems to be around 500 years.) These eco-friendly diapers will help reduce that time. When purchased from Amazon, they also come in recyclable packaging free of any plastic.
Nature Babycare Eco-Friendly Diapers via

We frequent our local restaurants more than I would like to admit and I have seen these types of place mats often and always thought they were a great idea. Gracie loves to eat off the table and you never know what is on the table at a restaurant. My hesitation in purchasing these was the waste, and that this is yet another item that would end up in the garbage after 1 use. Neat Solutions makes a biodegradable placemat that we can now use without the guilt. 
Neat Solutions Biodegradable Table Topper Disposable Stick-on Placemat  via

There are also eco-friendly toys and books that are great. We received a Natural Baby book as a gift and have since purchased more. Gracie loves these books. They have great pictures of very recognizable items that Grace loves to point at and say. These eco-friendly books happen to be made from recycled paper and planet friendly inks.

Natural Baby Splash, Play, and Eat  via

Happy Earth Day!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Traveling Tales

When I first embarked upon the parenthood journey, I was determined not to let having a baby infringe upon the activities of our lives (I say this in the most unselfish way possible). I wanted Gracie to have life experiences and learn to be flexible with change. That said, our first trip was from Chicago to LA; Gracie was 2 months old. I was determined that, even as a new mother, anything was possible, and I wanted to prove that I could do this trip on my own. Grace was an angel and slept the entire 4 hour flight. We had a wonderful vacation and the return trip was just as uneventful as the one there. Our next adventure was a 14 hour drive to Tennessee with the whole family, including Izzy (the dog). Our trip began on the busiest travel day of the year, the day before Thanksgiving. Leaving Chicago at 4pm, we were in endless traffic, but we finally arrived at our destination at 6 am the next morning. Grace did wonderfully in the car and was wide awake once we arrived. Her dad and I were not. Despite parental exhaustion (nothing new), we had another wonderfully successful trip. Proud of our amazingly laid back daughter and feeling that there is nothing we could not do, we planned another trip. This time we travelled to Florida for a spring break get away. Gracie was now 7 months old and, as Chicago native, was not used to the Florida heat. This caused a bit of disruption, but she still enjoyed the vacation where she experienced her first swim in the pool and sported her new summer clothes. On our way to the airport, ready to return home, my husband and I were congratulating ourselves for a job well done. With our good sense and perfect parenting skills, we had thought ahead and booked a flight time that would coincide with Gracie’s nap time, anticipating she would sleep a majority of the flight. Had our flight not been delayed 4 hours, I truly believe our plan would have worked. Instead Grace slept the entire time at the airport and was wide awake on the plane. A wide awake 7 month old does not want to sit quietly for 3 hours, however we made it home and received a voucher for our inconvenience. Chalking this less than pleasant flight up to 'the airlines fault,' I was happy to book our next trip. Over the next few months, we took a few more side trips here and there close to home that all went well. It was not until our most recent trip to LA that everything changed. Gracie was 16 months and we were going to take another girls only trip (no dad). We were both excited for the warm air and beaches (at least I was). I prepared for our trip buying all the essentials: new diaper bag, car seat bag, and of course new sandals for us both…any excuse for bags and shoes! A hands free diaper bag is a must when traveling solo. The car seat bag was great for both carrying on the plane or checking, and the shoes… well, they were just cute. As Gracie and I are sitting at the airport having dinner, I am thinking to myself how much fun this trip is going to be. I am mother… I am invincible... I am naive! On the plane, ready to read some books and go to bed, Grace throws up all over her clothes and seat. Unfazed, I quickly change her clothes (always keep spares in the diaper bag) and clean up. We settle back into our seat again, this time Grace on my lap as we prepare for takeoff. The plane is not 10 feet off the ground when Grace throws up again, this time all over me, herself, and the poor man next to us. I was in shock! This was a parenting moment I was not prepared for. I tried to clean up as best I could, but I was not prepared with a change of clothes for myself. Grace continued to throw up every 30 minutes for the remainder of the 4 hour flight; my poor baby had the flu. By the time we landed in LA, we were both practically naked having run out of all spare clothes and blankets. The remainder of our trip was pretty much the same. Grace would rally during the day and got to enjoy the warm air, had fun shopping, at the pool, and at the beach, while mom got to enjoy sleepless nights and periodic vomit. We got back home to Chicago just in time for me to catch the flu as well.

So, moral of the story... I no longer feel that a toddler needs to experience the world before her 2nd birthday and while we will never pass up a great opportunity, our family will be enjoying the wonders of the world in a 5-10 mile radius of our home, for now. I reserve the right to completely change my mind once the horrors of this latest trip escape me.

The best purchase I made! This diaper bag is great, stylish, and with the adjustable strap can be worn over the shoulder (hands free... a must when traveling alone). 
Oi Oi Diaper Bag Pink Herringbone Hobo via

The picture of this is completely rediculus, but this bag actually worked great.  It is very inexpensibve and works great for checking or carrying on the plane.  I was able to carry the diaper bag, this car seat bag (with car seat), and Gracie on the plane. 
Especially for Baby Car Seat Travel Bag via

Shoes for the trip was a must (as usual)! Target again has great kids shoes at great prices.

Genuine Kids by OshKosh® Jaiden Flower Gladiator Sandals via

Gracie enjoying her trip to LA

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Babies and Taxes!

As every American is aware, today (April 15th) is tax day. While there are many benefits to parenthood, one of these benefits is the tax credit! As working parents, we are able to take advantage of the dependent care credit as well.  Parents are able to have money (up to $5000 per household) taken pre tax from their pay check for dependent care.  Since we have to pay for child care, at least there are some tax benefits. With that said, whether you owe or are getting a refund from our friends at the IRS this year, here are some ways to save or spend on your little ones.

Making your own baby food… a wonderful way to save. I have made all of Gracie’s food since she began eating at 5 months. There are a few items that made the process almost as easy as opening the jar. The Cuisinart Smart Stick was great and easy to clean up. The clean up should not take longer than making the food itself. Another item I found, and could not have done without, are the Baby Cubes. These worked great for us to freeze and use for daycare, home, and any outing. There are many options out there, I have heard of ice trays, but having the container all in one piece was perfect and allowed us to just grab and go (an essential for any working mom).  The last item that served me well was a baby food book. It was a great resource to get started with. Through time and as you get more involved, coming up with your own recipes that your baby loves is great fun.

Cuisinart Smart Stick Hand Blender via

Baby Cubes via

Naturally Healthy First Foods for Baby by Jacqueline Rubin

Looking for some fun things to spend your refund on? Gracie and I recently found some great items at Target! They now carry Trumpette’s! Not only do they have the socks we have all grown to know and love, but they have shoes now too. As a shoe queen myself, I have managed to raise a shoe princess in just 19 months.

Tori Spelling's new clothing line Little Maven has great, stylish clothes for babies.

 Little Maven by Tori Spelling via

I found a great baby boutique in Chicago, Twinkle Twinkle Little One.  You can find great gifts and high end items for baby.  I epecially love these tee's for boys!

My Little Pumpkin - Off to the Office T-shirt via

Normally I do not care for little babies in headbands, however with these flowers they are just too cute!  I cannot resist flowers on a hat or headband. 

Baby Blossom Flower via

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Wonders of Working

For all the working moms out there, while it seems that having to be away from your children everyday is torture, there is one thing that makes it all worthwhile. Showing up at daycare having your baby come running toward you calling "Mommy!!" seems to make even the worst of Mondays melt away. I have a friend that will be joining the world of working moms soon and want her to know that there are many of us out there, and it is not all that bad.

This weekend, I took a metalsmithing class and was inspired by my beautiful daughter to make a pendant. While this may not be an option for everyone, there are many beautiful choices to purchase. It gave me a small sense of peace to wear this today. I had my Gracie with me all day. So, for any mom in need of a new fashion idea that keeps your baby with you all day, here is a great one. Also with Mother's Day approaching, this is a great gift idea that any mom would cherish.

This is the necklace I made, inspired by Grace (it has her name on the front and birthdate on the back)

There are also some great pieces online. I found a few different styles at



Sunday, April 11, 2010

Baby Steps

Being new to the blog world, I thought I would start out by introducing myself and my family. I am a working mom and wife. Gracie, our beautiful daughter, is 19 months old and keeping us very busy. My wonderful husband, Paul, is the rock of our family and definitely keeps me grounded with anything related to Gracie. Last but not least is Izzy, our rambunctious Labrador. She is 3 years old and was my first baby, but is now learning what life is like as a family of 4.

I am looking forward to all that this blog may have to offer all the moms, dads, and families out there. It is a place for tips, tidbits, facts, fashion, and anything else.
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