Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Potty Training Triumphs

We have officially completed the 3 Day Potty Training course with Gracie! This method was something that was introduced to me after my New Year post. Grace goes to daycare, and I needed to do something that was definite, so it seemed like a very promising method. Basically, you begin on Saturday morning and complete on Monday. It required 3 full days, so taking one weekday off is necessary. The basic principle is positive reinforcement and you have to be next to your child (literally not more than a foot away) at all times so you can catch any accident or sign that she needs to use the potty.

Gracie and I began on Saturday morning by throwing away (really donating) all the baby diapers, and put on big girl panties. Right away she began to recognize when she had to go potty. We made it to the potty a majority of the time, but had difficulty getting her to actually verbalize her need to go. Gracie went back to daycare on Tuesday and had similar difficulty, therefore leading to more accidents as she was not being watched like a hawk (as I was for the past 3 days). By day 5 she was really starting to express her need to go (we got an extra day at home due to the massive snow that hit Chicago) and I think we are making major progress. It is not an easy process by any means, but a major part of this, for us, was getting rid of all diapers, pull ups, training pants, etc. The same training for night and day made complete sense to me. Why would we want to say don’t pee in your pants during the day, but at night it is fine? We have had both dry and wet nights, but I think Gracie is doing really well. It has been a little over 2 weeks now an I am a proud parent of a potty trained child!

My biggest fear with potty training was going out of the house and doing any kind of travel. Public bathrooms can be a germy place and the thought of bringing my child into these places was scary. I knew we would not be able to avoid this, so I looked up some potty covers and thought these larger ones would be great! As she does not yet understand what to touch and not to touch, these cover everything.

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