Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The State of Me

In tone with one of the key topics of the State of the Union address this evening I would love to discuss education.

In my time thus far, I have spent more of it as a student than any of my other roles as an employee, wife, or mother. Education is so important and I am a true believer in the fundamentals of learning, which is why my husband and I are struggling to find the right preschool for Gracie. The other reason we are struggling with this is the financial aspect, which in turn brings us back to education. My husband and I are both highly educated (him more so than me which I don’t like to admit). I have a bachelor’s degree in biological science and he holds a doctorate of physical therapy. However, with this education come the insurmountable student loans that we struggle with every day. I know we are not the only ones of our generation facing this struggle. It is truly disappointing to have to reconsider our daughter’s education due to the financial burden of her parents’ education. I would love to hear from any others out there who face these challenges as well.

Another aspect that makes our search a bit more difficult, is finding a full day program. As working parents, it is not an option to enroll Gracie in half day programs. This is probably the most limiting aspect, unless we come up with some more creative solutions. Again, I would love to hear how other parents are dealing.

In our search for preschool we have found the National Association of Education for Young Children site to be helpful.

Here you can enter your zip code and a radius, and the site will give you all accredited preschool programs in your area (you can also download this list to excel).

Good luck to all those out there in finding the best fit programs for you and your child!  I (and other readers, I'm sure) would love to hear about your triumphs and tribulations.

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