Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The 2nd Time Around

When Gracie was born I thought we had everything... which we probably did.  When we would get something new my mom would say, "They didn't have anything like that when you were a baby" or "I wish they made that when you were a baby."  Yet, when I go shopping, inevitably I see something that I wish I had when Gracie was an infant and find myself saying, "I wish we had that when Grace was a baby."  There are also a few things that my darling husband convinced me were absolutely unnecessary, and now I cannot wait to purchase these things for the second baby (the second is not in the works just yet, but I am always planning). 

First off, I will absolutely be getting one of the infant head supports for the car seat.  I was overruled when I originally wanted this item.  After our ride home from the hospital I should have gone out and gotten one.  The ride was a matter of blocks, but I sat in the back holding Gracie's head every time we hit a bump and pleaded for Paul to drive even slower.  They come in pretty much every color, so no worries about matching your carrier.

Sunshine Kids 2 in 1 Head Support for Strollers and Car Seats

When Paul and I were registering for baby gifts, I pretty much followed the list and wanted one of everything.  Paul was a little more realistic and figured there were somethings that we did not need.  A monitor was one of those things given we were bringing Gracie home to a 2 bedroom, single level apartment where we were never more than 5 steps away.  However, this time he was overruled and we did end up receiving a monitor as a gift.  At the time a video monitor seemed a bit much, again given that a monitor was probably not necessary to begin with, so we went with one of the basic models.  Once we had Grace I instantly wished we had the video monitor.  I still wish we had one today, especially when Gracie learned how to jump out of the crib.  Even more for when I hear those noises thinking she is getting into something in her room and wish I knew what she was doing in there, but don't want to go in because she is supposed to be sleeping, and if I do go in she will never go back down.  Therefore, when number 2 comes along we will hopefully be purchasing a video monitor.  I have done some minimal research and found one that had some decent reviews, but if anyone has one that they love, let me know.  

Summer Infant Day & Night Color Video Monitor

I'm sure there will always be something new that we want for the little ones, it is just too much fun.  Anyone else have a must have for the second time around or something that you have now and could not live without?  

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