Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year New Post (Finally!)

I have resolved to begin blogging again and hope to keep good on my resolution this year.  It has been a while and we have been very busy.  My original goal, to be a working mom who can keep up with everything, was a bit lofty.  The summer got way too busy at work, therefore most things in my personal life suffered as a result.  I would love to hear from other moms regarding how they keep up with work and motherhood.  How do you balance? 

Paul and I have made one really big step... we have moved out of our urban flat, to a suburban townhouse.  It was a BIG move for us and the decision was not easy, but it has reduced both our commutes and our travel time to daycare.  We went from 2 hours a day in the car to about 30 minutes.  It has made a big difference, not to mention the additional space!

During my hiatus my baby girl is no longer a baby and has become a true toddler.  Gracie is now 2 years old and keeping me on my toes.  Potty training has been our latest adventure and is not going well.  I would love some advice from those out there who have gone through this.  I have heard from another mom about a book, "The Potty Boot Camp" and we are going to try this next week.  I will let you know how it goes. 
(also available on Amazon)

Wish me luck and Happy New Year to all!


  1. So glad you are blogging again! I enjoy reading it! I hope you had wonderful Holidays. Good luck with potty training. Sticker chart in the bathroom worked for us:) Making it fun is key! Our big phrase during that stage was "no big deal" if there was an accident. Sometimes it was hard to not show frustration when there was a big mess to clean up.

  2. Thanks B! I hope you enjoyed your holiday as well. Grace was really excited this year. Thanks for the potty training advice. We have tried the stickers and M&Ms, but she is just not that into it. She has proven herself to be quite stubborn these days, I wonder where she got that :)


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