Thursday, May 13, 2010

It'a a... Surprise!

The day Gracie was born was the most wonderful day of my life, and the moment the doctor announced she was a girl, was indescribable.  The wait to find out if we were having a boy or girl was rough at times, but worth it. For those of us that do not want to find out our baby’s gender prior to their birthday, decorating the nursery can be challenging. I desperately wanted the room to be ready before the baby came, therefore it was important to find the right gender neutral bedding. There are great options out there, so if you are one that wants to wait, do not let the nursery be an excuse.


Once we had our room painted and the crib bedding picked out, that satisfied my nesting urge (I had the rest of the house to focus on now).  We waited to pick out the finishing touches until Gracie was born.  Getting out of the house is great after a few days being cooped up, and what is more fun than a shopping trip?

Adding a personal touch is perfect for baby's room.  We have Grace's name over the crib and the pink ribbon added the perfect touch of baby girl.

                                Wall Letters via

Wall art is also a great way to make your room more gender specific.  There are great options for both baby boy and girl. 


CoCaLo Daniella via

Trend Lab Giggles via

Tiddliwinks Safari via 

Pearhead Handprint via

Here are a few pictures of Gracie's room.



Happy Decorating!

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