Thursday, May 13, 2010

It'a a... Surprise!

The day Gracie was born was the most wonderful day of my life, and the moment the doctor announced she was a girl, was indescribable.  The wait to find out if we were having a boy or girl was rough at times, but worth it. For those of us that do not want to find out our baby’s gender prior to their birthday, decorating the nursery can be challenging. I desperately wanted the room to be ready before the baby came, therefore it was important to find the right gender neutral bedding. There are great options out there, so if you are one that wants to wait, do not let the nursery be an excuse.


Once we had our room painted and the crib bedding picked out, that satisfied my nesting urge (I had the rest of the house to focus on now).  We waited to pick out the finishing touches until Gracie was born.  Getting out of the house is great after a few days being cooped up, and what is more fun than a shopping trip?

Adding a personal touch is perfect for baby's room.  We have Grace's name over the crib and the pink ribbon added the perfect touch of baby girl.

                                Wall Letters via

Wall art is also a great way to make your room more gender specific.  There are great options for both baby boy and girl. 


CoCaLo Daniella via

Trend Lab Giggles via

Tiddliwinks Safari via 

Pearhead Handprint via

Here are a few pictures of Gracie's room.



Happy Decorating!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Parenthood Is...

Singing and dancing all while attempting to get your 1 year old to brush her teeth.

Pointing out the “choo choo” to your coworkers during lunch.

Driving around for 30 minutes (even at $3.09 a gallon) to ensure your little one takes a good nap.

Cuddling together in a rocking chair, reading a book, and whispering sweet dreams.

The wonders of parenthood never cease to amaze me. My husband and I began watching a show called Parenthood on NBC (Tuesdays 10/9c) and from what we have seen so far, it truly depicts the trials and tribulations of parenthood.  It is quite a funny show and a must see for parents.

Gracie is really exerting her independence these days and enjoys speaking her mind. While this freedom of speech can be difficult at times, we have found that when we know what she is asking or talking about it makes our lives much easier. We received the Baby Signs DVDs as a gift and has been one of the best items that has come into our lives. I am not a huge fan of her watching a lot of TV, but found that when I really need a break, or when she really needs some down time, the Baby Signs DVD is perfect. We began watching them at 6 months and she has developed such a wonderful knowledge of the signs.  She is now using them on a regular basis. It has made a world of difference in our communication.
Baby Signs via

I was out to lunch with my girlfriend who has recently returned to work, and we spent a great amount of time discussing the little ones and the ups and downs of parenthood.  For us working moms, parenthood can be a bit more challenging at times (at least when it comes to managing the schedule). Wake up, get ready, get baby ready, eat, get to daycare, get to work, work, leave work, pick up the baby, get home, get dinner, get to bed, and finally have some down time. As much as I enjoy spending time with Gracie, those few precious hours of ‘me time’ after she is in bed can be rejuvenating. When Grace is woken up during those hours it is very disappointing. She has always been a good sleeper, but certain days are lighter than others and with such precious time hanging in the balance, I do anything to ensure she stays asleep. The phone typically gets turned off, TV or music is played at very low volume, and the dog cannot go running around the house. Those of you with dogs may understand me, but I find the jingling of the tags on her collar to be one of the more annoying noises in my life. That is why when recently doing a little web surfing, I came across this item, and was wishing I had come up with it on my own. Embroidered dog collars with easily detachable tags, I love it!! I told my husband about this find right away and he even agreed it was perfect for the dog and me.

WoofWoof & SEW On Dog Collars by BiceDesigns via

Any other fantastic parenting must haves out there? Let us know!

Tueday Nights 10/9c on NBC
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